Sunday, January 6, 2013

Closer and Closer

Well, the holidays are over and I will be heading home in about 2 weeks. I have 40 diapers and various inserts, wetbags, and a sprayer waiting for me (well most are already there!)

I need to find a good plan for how to prep my diapers and inserts once I do get home. I will probably write a post about all of my dipes, how much I paid for them, where I got them, and what I am expecting from them.

I've been wanting to get my hands on some wool balls (ha) sooo badly!! They're expensive though! I know they will help cut down on my dryer time but I just can't fork over that much money at once. I have been signing up for every giveaway I can find for wool balls! I hope I win!!

I've been entering a lot of giveaways lately. I am hoping to win some diapers or things like that. I think it would be awesome!! we will see how it goes!

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