Sunday, January 6, 2013

Closer and Closer

Well, the holidays are over and I will be heading home in about 2 weeks. I have 40 diapers and various inserts, wetbags, and a sprayer waiting for me (well most are already there!)

I need to find a good plan for how to prep my diapers and inserts once I do get home. I will probably write a post about all of my dipes, how much I paid for them, where I got them, and what I am expecting from them.

I've been wanting to get my hands on some wool balls (ha) sooo badly!! They're expensive though! I know they will help cut down on my dryer time but I just can't fork over that much money at once. I have been signing up for every giveaway I can find for wool balls! I hope I win!!

I've been entering a lot of giveaways lately. I am hoping to win some diapers or things like that. I think it would be awesome!! we will see how it goes!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thanks Mama

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" /></a>

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Marble Balls

I won't start cloth diapering until I get back to North Carolina towards the end of January. I am staying in Ohio at my moms house, spending some quality time with my family. =] Matt is back in NC because he has to work. Although I won't be able to start diapering for some time I have finished ordering all of the dipes, wetbags, and sprayer! In my post tomorrow I am going to post about every diaper I bought and what my expectations are.

Santa baby
I'm considering letting my baby sister, Katie, write a post about how she feels about cloth diapering. I am trying to keep this lively while we wait to get back to NC.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Cloth Calling

Many people are perplexed when I tell them I'm making the switch to cloth. Many people look down on it and will even voice their opinion. I feel as though many people are not educated in cloth diapers and are afraid of the unknown. My own parents are iffy about the entire idea and still don't full agree or understand why I would want to take on the extra work.

My choice to cloth diaper came from many influences. I never realized how strongly I felt about parenting choices until I had my daughter. Many people say it's the "first time mom syndrome" but I would have to disagree. I have full faith that I will give all of my children the same love, attention, and support that I give Allie.

Although I don't follow any parenting style to a T or read much of anything about parenting styles, I would have to say I can relate to Attachment parenting the most. I wear my daughter (as much as my back will allow), I bedshare on occasion, she sleeps in the same room as me, and I am a gentle parent. Many people do not understand this and can become very mean towards me, I've had people attack my views and opinions. Although I would never force my opinions down anyones throat, I feel very strongly about these beliefs.

I feel like I lean towards the more natural side of parenting too. I breastfeed my daughter and any food she eats is homemade with fresh ingredients. I use Baltic amber for teething pains and try to stay away from chemicals entering her body. I don't classify myself as an over protective mom though, I let her learn things on her own. She bumps her head, she gets dirty, she is figuring out her way in this world. I'm here to love her, guide her, and pick her up when she falls down.

I wanted to start cloth diapering when Allie was about 3 months old. It seemed like a fun things, the diapers were cute and it would help the environment. It sickened me to learn how long disposables sit and rot in landfills, YUCK! So I started slowly looking around, realizing how expensive it is and wondering how I was ever going to talk Matt into this. Around the time Allie turned 6 months old a friend from a mommy group posted a picture on fb of her sons bum. It had a huge (probably the size of 2 quarters) blister on it. She took him straight to the ER, he did not have any rash or anything before the previous diaper change. They told her it was a common chemical burn from disposables, she had recently switched brands and the new brand had stronger chemicals in them! I won't name brands but I'll just say it was a name brand, they weren't some generic diaper you get from the dollar store or something. It was a leading brand!

I was frantic, I needed to learn how to cloth diaper. Thankfully a great friend of mine leaded me to a diaper co op. I began investigating and ordering diapers! In my next post I'll break down all the diapers I have ordered so far! =]



I'm Sarah 

I was married to my high school sweetheart, Matt, in April 2011. 

I have an 8 month old daughter Allie! She was born April 17, 2012.

I recently decided to dive into the world of cloth diapering. I must admit the past few weeks have been hectic and confusing. I thought I understood cloth diapering but I honestly had no clue! Once I started ordering the diapers it all started to make sense. I've ordered many different types and brands of diapers! I plan on reviewing all of them and giving honest feedback. I relied heavily on blogs and diapering sites to help me navigate my way through this foreign territory and the least I could do is help out a new diaper fanatic! 

At any time if you have any questions, comments, or ideas PLEASE comment below and I would be more than happy to reply =]

Matt, Allie's daddy and my hubby
